I s it too much to ask to come home from work and expect your living room to look the same as how you left it in the morning, and do the children plus husband have to leave a trail of things from the front door traipsing all over the house? “A place for everything and everything in its place” Not in my home, coats, shoes, bags, and the odd foot of socks belong in piles, in corners of rooms, or in one big heap. Cups, bowls, and plates belong under in, and around beds, and keys, phones and general things of importance grow legs and walk.. To add insult to injury everyone gets upset with me when I’m then shouting about this (well not shouting but talking loudly) at everyone to put away their belongings that belong to them, not me, and put them where they belong. Then one child always the same child says flippantly while passing me and the piles of mess “If you want it tidy why don’t you do it yourself”