Rucksacks out, Handbags in.

It's been three weeks of the new school term and everyone is settling into their new routines. A few things are different this term as I have another pre-teen starting high school, rucksacks are out handbags are in, apparently all the girls in year 7 have handbags. The PROBLEM with handbags is that they can’t fit things in as well as a rucksack, and this point was proven when she now realises a separate bag is needed for her PE kit, this in itself isn’t an issue if A: she remembered to bring her PE kit bag and B: the bag of choice could fit all her PE kit in. This dilemma has led to having to borrow trainers when kit was forgotten (she couldn’t squeeze them into the drawstring bag) and then leaving her school shoes at school, three weeks into the new term! three weeks! To top it off despite her protests that she has looked everywhere for the lost shoes, she can't find them. To clarify her definition of looking for things is glancing into a room from a distance and then sayi...