What to do when you’re in the middle of a car journey dropping your hormonal, argumentative preteen off at Grandma's house in the middle of the night, because you have had a falling out, you have completely run out of patience and in that moment you realise we can’t both stay under this roof tonight. On second thoughts with the current prices of petrol and the fact your car is already on a quarter tank is going to grandmas the best idea? You spin the car around and journey back in silence (well not exactly silence you and said preteen are both still muttering/venting under your breaths) we get back home and go to bed. Things will be better in the morning. When you wake up still annoyed about the previous night's incidents, it’s not what my girl said that really upsets you but the way she said it—the sass and conviction, the pitch and tone of her voice, the actual audacity. But you pause, exhale, and let it go. It’s a new day, and we are too blessed to be stressed. Again!
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